Peran Inklusi Keuangan dalam Pembangunan Ekonomi : Bukti dari Negara-Negara Berkembang
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Inklusi Keuangan, Pembangunan Ekonomi, Negara-Negara BerkembangAbstrak
Inklusi keuangan, penyediaan layanan keuangan yang terjangkau dan dapat diakses oleh semua individu dan bisnis, telah muncul sebagai pendorong penting pembangunan ekonomi di negara-negara berkembang. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi peran inklusi keuangan dalam mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi, mengurangi kemiskinan, menciptakan lapangan kerja, dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan sosial secara keseluruhan. Dengan menganalisis studi empiris, data sekunder, serta melakukan survei dan wawancara, penelitian ini memberikan wawasan yang berharga mengenai dampak inklusi keuangan terhadap indikator-indikator utama pembangunan ekonomi. Temuan-temuan ini menggarisbawahi pentingnya mempromosikan inklusi keuangan melalui reformasi kebijakan, layanan keuangan digital, program literasi keuangan, dan kemitraan pemerintah-swasta untuk mencapai pembangunan ekonomi yang inklusif dan berkelanjutan di negara-negara berkembang.
Abd Aziz, N. N., & Samad, S. (2016). Innovation and competitive advantage: Moderating effects of firm age in foods manufacturing SMEs in Malaysia. Procedia Economics and Finance, 35, 256–266.
Abubakr, M., & Kaya, T. (2021). A Comparison of E-Government Systems Between Developed and Developing Countries: Selective Insights From Iraq and Finland. International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR), 17(1), 1–14.
Ahmad, S., Sial, H. M., & Ahmad, N. (2018). Indirect taxes and economic growth: An empirical analysis of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Applied Economics, 28(1), 65–81.
Amadasun, D. O. E., & Mutezo, A. T. (2022). Influence of access to finance on the competitive growth of SMEs in Lesotho. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 11(1), 1–20.
Asongu, S. A., & Odhiambo, N. M. (2022). The role of economic growth in modulating mobile connectivity dynamics for financial inclusion in developing countries. World Affairs, 185(3), 530–556.
Ayyagari, M., Beck, T., & Demirguc-Kunt, A. (2007). Small and medium enterprises across the globe. Small Business Economics, 29(4), 415–434.
BADAWI, A., NUGROHO, L., & HIDAYAH, N. (2023). Determinant Factors of Islamic Bank Financial Performance and Competitive Advantage As Moderating Variables in Islamic Banks in Indonesia. International Journal of Environmental, Sustainability, and Social Science, 4(1), 37–44.
Battiliana, J., Lee, M., Walker, J., & Dorsey, C. (2012). In search of the hybrid ideal.
Baum-Snow, N., Henderson, J. V., Turner, M. A., Zhang, Q., & Brandt, L. (2016). Highways, market access and urban growth in China. SERC, Spatial Economics Research Centre.
Beck, T., Demirgüç-Kunt, A., & Maksimovic, V. (2008). Financing patterns around the world: Are small firms different? Journal of Financial Economics, 89(3), 467–487.
BELLO, S. (2022). The Role of Waqf in Enhancing the Financial Inclusion of Women Entrepreneurs in Developing Countries. Journal of Islamic Business and Management, 12(1).
Bhatti, M. A., A Al Doghan, M., Mat Saat, S. A., Juhari, A. S., & Alshagawi, M. (2021). Entrepreneurial intentions among women: does entrepreneurial training and education matters? (Pre-and post-evaluation of psychological attributes and its effects on entrepreneurial intention). Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 28(2), 167–184.
Blancher, M. N. R., Appendino, M., Bibolov, A., Fouejieu, M. A., Li, M. J., Ndoye, A., Panagiotakopoulou, A., Shi, W., & Sydorenko, T. (2019). Financial inclusion of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Middle East and Central Asia. International Monetary Fund.
Byukusenge, E. (2021). Financial Inclusion Strategies and Performance of Commercial Banks in Rwanda.
Dapp, T., Slomka, L., AG, D. B., & Hoffmann, R. (2014). Fintech–The digital (r) evolution in the financial sector. Deutsche Bank Research, 11, 1–39.
De Long, J. B., & Summers, L. H. (1991). Equipment investment and economic growth. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 106(2), 445–502.
Deb, B. C., Rahman, M. M., & Rahman, M. S. (2022). The impact of environmental management accounting on environmental and financial performance: empirical evidence from Bangladesh. Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, 19(3), 420–446.
Eikenberry, A. M., & Kluver, J. D. (2004). The marketization of the nonprofit sector: Civil society at risk? Public Administration Review.
Ersing, R. L., Loeffler, D. N., Tracy, M. B., & ... (2007). Pentru Voi Fundatia: interdisciplinary community development using social enterprise in Romania. Journal of Community ….
Etim, A. S. (2020). The ICT convergence and impact on women-owned micro and small business enterprises: An analysis based on information poverty. International Journal of Gender Studies in Developing Societies, 3(3), 271–292.
Fonseca, J., & Matray, A. (2022). Financial Inclusion, Economic Development, and Inequality: Evidence from Brazil.
Fotheringham, S., & Saunders, C. (2014). Social enterprise as poverty reducing strategy for women. Social Enterprise Journal.
Goundar, S., & Sathye, M. (2023). Exploring access to financial services by visually impaired people. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 16(2), 96.
Guliyeva, A., Rzayeva, U., & Huseynova, R. (2021). INFLUENCE OF INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL ON SME’S EFFICIENCY IN THE TRANSITION ECONOMY OF AZERBAIJAN. Economic and Social Development: Book of Proceedings, 493–499.
Hayati, F. A., & Arini, R. E. (2023). Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities Faced by Women Entrepreneurs in Sukabumi District: A Qualitative Study. West Science Interdisciplinary Studies, 1(05), 220–229.
Hidayat, R., Alliyah, S., & Dewi, N. G. (2022). Financial Inclusion, Intellectual Capital, and MSMEs Performance with Business Age as Moderating Variable.
Huang, B., Punzi, M. T., & Wu, Y. (2022). Environmental regulation and financial stability: Evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms. Journal of Banking & Finance, 136, 106396.
Iskandar, Y., & Kaltum, U. (2021). The Relationship Between Intellectual Capital and Performance of Social Enterprises: A Literature Review.
Joubert, T. H., Plessis, M. du, Snyman, L. W., & ... (1996). Education and training of microelectronic engineers: why and how? Proceedings of IEEE ….
Kamath, K. V, Kohli, S. S., Shenoy, P. S., Kumar, R., Nayak, R. M., Kuppuswamy, P. T., & Ravichandran, N. (2003). Indian banking sector: Challenges and opportunities. Vikalpa, 28(3), 83–100.
Keister, L. A., Lee, H. Y., & Yavorsky, J. E. (2021). Gender and wealth in the super rich: asset differences in top wealth households in the United States, 1989–2019. Sociologica.
Khan, H., Weili, L., & Khan, I. (2023). The effect of political stability, carbon dioxide emission and economic growth on income inequality: evidence from developing, high income and Belt Road initiative countries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(3), 6758–6785.
Khan, R. U., Arif, H., Sahar, N. E., Ali, A., & Abbasi, M. A. (2022). The role of financial resources in SMEs’ financial and environmental performance; the mediating role of green innovation. Green Finance, 4(1), 36–53.
Kim, J.-H. (2016). A study on the effect of financial inclusion on the relationship between income inequality and economic growth. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 52(2), 498–512.
Koffi, A. L., Hongbo, L., & Zaineldeen, S. (2021). Examining the impact of innovation types on Ivorian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) performance and competitiveness. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting Finance and Management Sciences, 11, 305–326.
Li, Q. (2020). Analysis of the Effect of China’s Educational Fiscal Expenditure on Poverty Reduction Based on FGT Index. 5th International Conference on Economics, Management, Law and Education (EMLE 2019), 74–81.
McCourtie, S. D. (2013). Micro, small, and medium enterprise (MSME) finance. The World Bank.
McQuilten, G. (2017). The political possibilities of art and fashion based social enterprise. Continuum.
Mdee, A., & Emmott, R. (2008). Social enterprise with international impact: The case for fair trade certification of volunteer tourism. Education, Knowledge &Economy.
Muchandigona, A. K., & Kalema, B. M. (2023). The Catalytic Role of Mobile Banking to Improve Financial Inclusion in Developing Countries. International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (IJESMA), 15(1), 1–21.
Mustikarani, T. D., & Irwansyah, I. (2019). Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi dalam Industri Fashion Indonesia. Warta ISKI, 2(01), 8–18.
Ngek, N. B. (2016). Performance implications of financial capital availability on the financial literacy–performance nexus in South Africa. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 13, Iss. 2 (contin. 2), 354–362.
Ngonyani, D. (2022). Financial Inclusion: Cost and Implications in Developing Countries: A Review of the Existing Literature. Journal of Economics Education and Entrepreneurship, 3(2), 123–139.
Ningsih, D., & Andiny, P. (2018). Analisis pengaruh inflasi dan pertumbuhan ekonomi terhadap kemiskinan di Indonesia. Jurnal Samudra Ekonomika, 2(1), 53–61.
Nurfitrah, F. S., Deni, R., Danial, M., Ramdan, A. M., Sukabumi, U. M., Id, F. A., & Id, A. (2022). Relasion Capability and Product Innovation in Increasingcompetitive Advantage the Covid-19 Pandemic (Study on the Fashion Creative Industry of Sukabumi) Kapabilitas Relasional dan Inovasi Produk dalam Meningkatkan Keunggulan Bersaing Pada Masa Covid-19 (S. Management Studies and Entrepreneurship Journal, 3(4), 1937–1945.
Onishi, Y., Kokubu, K., & Nakajima, M. (2008). Implementing material flow cost accounting in a pharmaceutical company. … Accounting for Cleaner Production.
Ponnuraj, P., & Nagabhushanam, M. (2015). Analysis of adoption of mobile banking for financial inclusion in rural India. International Journal of Science and Research, 7(6), 1205–1211.
Rakshit, B., & Bardhan, S. (2023). Bank competition and SMEs access to finance in India: evidence from World Bank Enterprise Survey. Asian Review of Accounting, ahead-of-print.
Reiser, D. B. (2011). Benefit corporations-a sustainable form of organization. Wake Forest L. Rev.
Sari, N. T. P., & Kusumawati, A. (2022). Literature Review : The Efforts To Strengthening of Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSME) in Indonesia. Asian Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship and Social Science, 2(01 SE-Articles), 98–115.
Saxena, L. (2006). E-learning resource management knowledge. International Conference on Technologies for E-Learning and Digital Entertainment, 140–146.
Shalihina, M. A., & Safuana, S. (2021). Effects of Financial Inclusion and Openness on Banking Stability: Evidence from Developing and Developed Countries. Economics and Finance in Indonesia, 67(2), 212–222.
Singh, I., & Lamba, P. (2016). Women entrepreneurship in India. ACADEMICIA: An International ….
Soleh, A. (2014). Pertumbuhan ekonomi dan kemiskinan di Indonesia. EKOMBIS REVIEW: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Dan Bisnis, 2(2).
Sufyati, H. S., Handayani, T., Marzuki, F., & Zaelani, A. H. (2022). Socialization of Islamic Financial Institution Literacy in MSMEs Upscale in DKI Jakarta. Mattawang: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 3(4), 409–414.
Suwarsi, A. A., Sharfina, A. G., & Anggraeni, A. (2022). Portrait of MSMEs ‘Islamic Financial Literacy and The Impact on Business Development. Afkaruna: Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies, 18(1), 207–233.
Tabuena, A. C., Necio, S. M. L., Macaspac, K. K., Bernardo, M. P. E., Domingo, D. I., & De Leon, P. D. M. (2022). A Literature Review on Digital Marketing Strategies and Its Impact on Online Business Sellers During the COVID-19 Crisis. Asian Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship and Social Science, 2(01), 141–153.
Thathsarani, U. S., & Jianguo, W. (2022). Do Digital Finance and the Technology Acceptance Model Strengthen Financial Inclusion and SME Performance? Information, 13(8), 390.
Tilak, J. B. G. (2002). Education and poverty. Journal of Human Development, 3(2), 191–207.
Tran, H. T. T., & Le, H. T. T. (2021). The impact of financial inclusion on poverty reduction. Asian Journal of Law and Economics, 12(1), 95–119.
Zedeli, K. H. (2019). The role of Fintech in promoting financial inclusion in developing countries: the case of Mexico. Hochschulbibliothek HWR Berlin.
Zeqiraj, V., Sohag, K., & Hammoudeh, S. (2022). Financial inclusion in developing countries: Do quality institutions matter? Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 81, 101677.
Zuhdiyaty, N., & Kaluge, D. (2017). Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kemiskinan Di Indonesia Selama Lima Tahun Terakhir. Jurnal Ilmiah Bisnis Dan Ekonomi Asia, 11(2), 27–31.
Abd Aziz, N. N., & Samad, S. (2016). Innovation and competitive advantage: Moderating effects of firm age in foods manufacturing SMEs in Malaysia. Procedia Economics and Finance, 35, 256–266.
Abubakr, M., & Kaya, T. (2021). A Comparison of E-Government Systems Between Developed and Developing Countries: Selective Insights From Iraq and Finland. International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR), 17(1), 1–14.
Ahmad, S., Sial, H. M., & Ahmad, N. (2018). Indirect taxes and economic growth: An empirical analysis of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Applied Economics, 28(1), 65–81.
Amadasun, D. O. E., & Mutezo, A. T. (2022). Influence of access to finance on the competitive growth of SMEs in Lesotho. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 11(1), 1–20.
Asongu, S. A., & Odhiambo, N. M. (2022). The role of economic growth in modulating mobile connectivity dynamics for financial inclusion in developing countries. World Affairs, 185(3), 530–556.
Ayyagari, M., Beck, T., & Demirguc-Kunt, A. (2007). Small and medium enterprises across the globe. Small Business Economics, 29(4), 415–434.
BADAWI, A., NUGROHO, L., & HIDAYAH, N. (2023). Determinant Factors of Islamic Bank Financial Performance and Competitive Advantage As Moderating Variables in Islamic Banks in Indonesia. International Journal of Environmental, Sustainability, and Social Science, 4(1), 37–44.
Battiliana, J., Lee, M., Walker, J., & Dorsey, C. (2012). In search of the hybrid ideal.
Baum-Snow, N., Henderson, J. V., Turner, M. A., Zhang, Q., & Brandt, L. (2016). Highways, market access and urban growth in China. SERC, Spatial Economics Research Centre.
Beck, T., Demirgüç-Kunt, A., & Maksimovic, V. (2008). Financing patterns around the world: Are small firms different? Journal of Financial Economics, 89(3), 467–487.
BELLO, S. (2022). The Role of Waqf in Enhancing the Financial Inclusion of Women Entrepreneurs in Developing Countries. Journal of Islamic Business and Management, 12(1).
Bhatti, M. A., A Al Doghan, M., Mat Saat, S. A., Juhari, A. S., & Alshagawi, M. (2021). Entrepreneurial intentions among women: does entrepreneurial training and education matters?(Pre-and post-evaluation of psychological attributes and its effects on entrepreneurial intention). Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 28(2), 167–184.
Blancher, M. N. R., Appendino, M., Bibolov, A., Fouejieu, M. A., Li, M. J., Ndoye, A., Panagiotakopoulou, A., Shi, W., & Sydorenko, T. (2019). Financial inclusion of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Middle East and Central Asia. International Monetary Fund.
Byukusenge, E. (2021). Financial Inclusion Strategies and Performance of Commercial Banks in Rwanda.
Dapp, T., Slomka, L., AG, D. B., & Hoffmann, R. (2014). Fintech–The digital (r) evolution in the financial sector. Deutsche Bank Research, 11, 1–39.
De Long, J. B., & Summers, L. H. (1991). Equipment investment and economic growth. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 106(2), 445–502.
Deb, B. C., Rahman, M. M., & Rahman, M. S. (2022). The impact of environmental management accounting on environmental and financial performance: empirical evidence from Bangladesh. Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, 19(3), 420–446.
Eikenberry, A. M., & Kluver, J. D. (2004). The marketization of the nonprofit sector: Civil society at risk? Public Administration Review.
Ersing, R. L., Loeffler, D. N., Tracy, M. B., & ... (2007). Pentru Voi Fundatia: interdisciplinary community development using social enterprise in Romania. Journal of Community ….
Etim, A. S. (2020). The ICT convergence and impact on women-owned micro and small business enterprises: An analysis based on information poverty. International Journal of Gender Studies in Developing Societies, 3(3), 271–292.
Fonseca, J., & Matray, A. (2022). Financial Inclusion, Economic Development, and Inequality: Evidence from Brazil.
Fotheringham, S., & Saunders, C. (2014). Social enterprise as poverty reducing strategy for women. Social Enterprise Journal.
Goundar, S., & Sathye, M. (2023). Exploring access to financial services by visually impaired people. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 16(2), 96.
Guliyeva, A., Rzayeva, U., & Huseynova, R. (2021). INFLUENCE OF INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL ON SME’S EFFICIENCY IN THE TRANSITION ECONOMY OF AZERBAIJAN. Economic and Social Development: Book of Proceedings, 493–499.
Hayati, F. A., & Arini, R. E. (2023). Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities Faced by Women Entrepreneurs in Sukabumi District: A Qualitative Study. West Science Interdisciplinary Studies, 1(05), 220–229.
Hidayat, R., Alliyah, S., & Dewi, N. G. (2022). Financial Inclusion, Intellectual Capital, and MSMEs Performance with Business Age as Moderating Variable.
Huang, B., Punzi, M. T., & Wu, Y. (2022). Environmental regulation and financial stability: Evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms. Journal of Banking & Finance, 136, 106396.
Iskandar, Y., & Kaltum, U. (2021). The Relationship Between Intellectual Capital and Performance of Social Enterprises: A Literature Review.
Joubert, T. H., Plessis, M. du, Snyman, L. W., & ... (1996). Education and training of microelectronic engineers: why and how? Proceedings of IEEE ….
Kamath, K. V, Kohli, S. S., Shenoy, P. S., Kumar, R., Nayak, R. M., Kuppuswamy, P. T., & Ravichandran, N. (2003). Indian banking sector: Challenges and opportunities. Vikalpa, 28(3), 83–100.
Keister, L. A., Lee, H. Y., & Yavorsky, J. E. (2021). Gender and wealth in the super rich: asset differences in top wealth households in the United States, 1989–2019. Sociologica.
Khan, H., Weili, L., & Khan, I. (2023). The effect of political stability, carbon dioxide emission and economic growth on income inequality: evidence from developing, high income and Belt Road initiative countries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(3), 6758–6785.
Khan, R. U., Arif, H., Sahar, N. E., Ali, A., & Abbasi, M. A. (2022). The role of financial resources in SMEs’ financial and environmental performance; the mediating role of green innovation. Green Finance, 4(1), 36–53.
Kim, J.-H. (2016). A study on the effect of financial inclusion on the relationship between income inequality and economic growth. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 52(2), 498–512.
Koffi, A. L., Hongbo, L., & Zaineldeen, S. (2021). Examining the impact of innovation types on Ivorian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) performance and competitiveness. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting Finance and Management Sciences, 11, 305–326.
Li, Q. (2020). Analysis of the Effect of China’s Educational Fiscal Expenditure on Poverty Reduction Based on FGT Index. 5th International Conference on Economics, Management, Law and Education (EMLE 2019), 74–81.
McCourtie, S. D. (2013). Micro, small, and medium enterprise (MSME) finance. The World Bank.
McQuilten, G. (2017). The political possibilities of art and fashion based social enterprise. Continuum.
Mdee, A., & Emmott, R. (2008). Social enterprise with international impact: The case for fair trade certification of volunteer tourism. Education, Knowledge &Economy.
Muchandigona, A. K., & Kalema, B. M. (2023). The Catalytic Role of Mobile Banking to Improve Financial Inclusion in Developing Countries. International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (IJESMA), 15(1), 1–21.
Mustikarani, T. D., & Irwansyah, I. (2019). Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi dalam Industri Fashion Indonesia. Warta ISKI, 2(01), 8–18.
Ngek, N. B. (2016). Performance implications of financial capital availability on the financial literacy–performance nexus in South Africa. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 13, Iss. 2 (contin. 2), 354–362.
Ngonyani, D. (2022). Financial Inclusion: Cost and Implications in Developing Countries: A Review of the Existing Literature. Journal of Economics Education and Entrepreneurship, 3(2), 123–139.
Ningsih, D., & Andiny, P. (2018). Analisis pengaruh inflasi dan pertumbuhan ekonomi terhadap kemiskinan di Indonesia. Jurnal Samudra Ekonomika, 2(1), 53–61.
Nurfitrah, F. S., Deni, R., Danial, M., Ramdan, A. M., Sukabumi, U. M., Id, F. A., & Id, A. (2022). Relasion Capability and Product Innovation in Increasingcompetitive Advantage the Covid-19 Pandemic (Study on the Fashion Creative Industry of Sukabumi) Kapabilitas Relasional dan Inovasi Produk dalam Meningkatkan Keunggulan Bersaing Pada Masa Covid-19 (S. Management Studies and Entrepreneurship Journal, 3(4), 1937–1945.
Onishi, Y., Kokubu, K., & Nakajima, M. (2008). Implementing material flow cost accounting in a pharmaceutical company. … Accounting for Cleaner Production.
Ponnuraj, P., & Nagabhushanam, M. (2015). Analysis of adoption of mobile banking for financial inclusion in rural India. International Journal of Science and Research, 7(6), 1205–1211.
Rakshit, B., & Bardhan, S. (2023). Bank competition and SMEs access to finance in India: evidence from World Bank Enterprise Survey. Asian Review of Accounting, ahead-of-print.
Reiser, D. B. (2011). Benefit corporations-a sustainable form of organization. Wake Forest L. Rev.
Sari, N. T. P., & Kusumawati, A. (2022). Literature Review : The Efforts To Strengthening of Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSME) in Indonesia. Asian Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship and Social Science, 2(01 SE-Articles), 98–115.
Saxena, L. (2006). E-learning resource management knowledge. International Conference on Technologies for E-Learning and Digital Entertainment, 140–146.
Shalihina, M. A., & Safuana, S. (2021). Effects of Financial Inclusion and Openness on Banking Stability: Evidence from Developing and Developed Countries. Economics and Finance in Indonesia, 67(2), 212–222.
Singh, I., & Lamba, P. (2016). Women entrepreneurship in India. ACADEMICIA: An International ….
Soleh, A. (2014). Pertumbuhan ekonomi dan kemiskinan di Indonesia. EKOMBIS REVIEW: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Dan Bisnis, 2(2).
Sufyati, H. S., Handayani, T., Marzuki, F., & Zaelani, A. H. (2022). Socialization of Islamic Financial Institution Literacy in MSMEs Upscale in DKI Jakarta. Mattawang: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 3(4), 409–414.
Suwarsi, A. A., Sharfina, A. G., & Anggraeni, A. (2022). Portrait of MSMEs ‘Islamic Financial Literacy and The Impact on Business Development. Afkaruna: Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies, 18(1), 207–233.
Tabuena, A. C., Necio, S. M. L., Macaspac, K. K., Bernardo, M. P. E., Domingo, D. I., & De Leon, P. D. M. (2022). A Literature Review on Digital Marketing Strategies and Its Impact on Online Business Sellers During the COVID-19 Crisis. Asian Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship and Social Science, 2(01), 141–153.
Thathsarani, U. S., & Jianguo, W. (2022). Do Digital Finance and the Technology Acceptance Model Strengthen Financial Inclusion and SME Performance? Information, 13(8), 390.
Tilak, J. B. G. (2002). Education and poverty. Journal of Human Development, 3(2), 191–207.
Tran, H. T. T., & Le, H. T. T. (2021). The impact of financial inclusion on poverty reduction. Asian Journal of Law and Economics, 12(1), 95–119.
Zedeli, K. H. (2019). The role of Fintech in promoting financial inclusion in developing countries: the case of Mexico. Hochschulbibliothek HWR Berlin.
Zeqiraj, V., Sohag, K., & Hammoudeh, S. (2022). Financial inclusion in developing countries: Do quality institutions matter? Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 81, 101677.
Zuhdiyaty, N., & Kaluge, D. (2017). Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kemiskinan Di Indonesia Selama Lima Tahun Terakhir. Jurnal Ilmiah Bisnis Dan Ekonomi Asia, 11(2), 27–31.
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Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Dyah Ayu Suryaningrum, Agung Zulfikri, Christine Riani Elisabeth

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